.Day 111 - 14/9/07 - 33kms Downstream of Blanchetown Steve's Report: Only 28km today due to commitments. The Waikerie school was with 300 kids. Luckily they were all well behaved and asked good questions otherwise I would have been sunk. In the afternoon it was back to Liz Frankel's place where we met the minister for the Murray River. This was very interesting and the situation here I would have to say is dire. Not many people realise it and the general population is a fair way behind where I live in understanding that there is only so much water to go round. They also seem to be behind in comprehending the need for potable reuse. But hey, I am about to jump on my soap box so had better shut up. It will all be in the book after I finish anyway. Back to the water again tomorrow with a possible finish date of 29th September but we will see what happens. And to prove it is a small world, have a look at the last photo. We met Sam and Marj in Dirinbandi. They were driving this tractor to Biloela. They got there and back and then took off from Mannum to a tractor show near Wakerie. It was great to catch up with them and to see the other tractors in the team. They are all old (hey I should talk) but the machinery is terrific and they seem to have a pretty good time.